As technology advances, we hear about how disengaged people are becoming. If our future is digital, why not turn it into something positive that brings families together instead of tearing them apart?
Whether in real life or on the Internet, there is no shortage of criminals and it’s only natural that you worry about your family’s safety. To evolve with the times, why not develop our own technology to defend those we love most?
There’s a fine line between panic and caution. While panic drives irrational behavior, caution is reasonably preparing for a crisis. We believe in the latter. Instead of helplessly giving in to fear, why not defensively plan ahead, instead?
Wolven Industries almost never came to be.
Mike Norton, our leading founder and CEO, first had to overcome a series of extremely painful and personal struggles. His trials led him to go to war with himself, psychologically.
Though, both as a military veteran and as a civilian vagabond, he’s traveled the world, evolving as a character through years of journaled self-reflection.
Our company’s mission is inspired by Mike’s past:
We exist to develop technology that helps to protect, repair, and prepare our civilization from modern threats both large and small.
With a company title half inspired by ancient Nordic culture while half inspired by comic book characters, Wolven Industries started first in the imagination.
There were countless dreams of conceptual, futuristic (and sometimes impractical) products. These designs ranged from fantastical body armors to handy hunting inventions.
Mike’s personal transformation was required first before he could reach the mental place necessary to start the company, transferring dreams into reality.
We completely understand how developing anything genuinely innovational before it becomes socially normalized (e.g. the computer, before the common population understood its value) is a risk to you. Because of this, we’ve made it our company policy to go above and beyond for any early adopters hat decide to try one of our new projects.
People who sign up to our online community will qualify as an “early adopter” if they buy any newly released project within the first month of its release.
Any newly developed product you buy from Wolven comes with a complete, 1-year, 100% money-back guarantee, or with 100% free repairs if you like the product but don’t want a refund.
There’s always something that can be improved; so, constructive criticism of a functional product won’t count under the repair policy. However, if a product arrives broken or damaged to you in any way, we’ll repair it with a new one free of charge.
We would only require you to send in your damaged product first. We’ll even pay for your shipping.
You can qualify as an “Early Adopter” by joining our online community here.
All early adopters also receive a discount from the listing price of all of our products.
When there’s a new release pending, a temporary post will be made in the tech support forum of that product. In that post will be a discount reward code you can type in when you purchase. The percentage of discount will vary per project; however, here’s an example:
Project X has a listing price of $100. Early adopters who buy Project X during the first month of its release get a 25% discount, meaning that they pay only $75 instead, along with gaining the free 1-year unlimited repair and refund warranty. People who are “late adopters” choosing to buy after he first month all have to pay full price.
We’re far more interested in building a strong, long-lasting brand relationship with you while rewarding your loyalty than we are getting short-term profits. This is because we know that if we develop a strong, long-lasting brand relationship with you, we’ll rake in the most profits in the long-term anyhow.
To better understand what products we create and why to accomplish our company mission of uplifting our civilization, start with the family unit and work backward:
We were originally planning to focus primarily on military and private military contractors. However, in response to the unexpected and historical COVID-19 crisis, we pivoted away from designing the next generation of bulletproof body armors into including families themselves as our target audience, such as by developing a handheld electronic device for disinfection.
So, it’s not so simple as to say that we create technological products for the common household. While families are at the heart of our company mission, the solutions we create may often have to extend into other industries because of their indirect effects on the families of our civilization.
We almost assumed a completely Made-in-America-only and a Made-in-the-West–only approach.
However, we came to acknowledge that there are legitimately other parts made in different areas of the world that are genuinely fantastic in quality.
To make a final decision about our manufacturing philosophy, we referred back to our values: quality first.
Understand the difference between the “quality first,” “profit first,” and “protectionist” philosophies.
To follow a “profit first” manufacturing philosophy would mean to find the cheapest parts one can find from any manufacturer who will accept the contract. This often yields low-quality items for quick market gains by the company. Almost every part will be manufactured in China, India, or some other country known for it.
Meanwhile, to follow a “protectionist” manufacturing philosophy would mean to source only the human capital of a specific country (e.g. Made only in America). While this does give jobs to American people (or whatever other country it may apply to), the concept
can lead to products with not all of their parts at the highest quality, as well as lower profit margins for the company.
However, to follow a “quality first” philosophy is to not pay attention to the country any part is from, but simply to choose the best part, no matter how expensive it may be for manufacturing, even if that forces us to lower our profit margins for some products. Some parts may be manufactured in Germany; other parts may be manufactured in America; while others may, indeed, be manufactured in China.
While China has a questionable international reputation for mass manufacturing, there absolutely are individual companies that produce 5-star parts. When we search for the manufacturer of any given part, the only thing we’re concerned about is whether or not they produced the best quality we could find, regardless of what country they’re from.
This means that the majority of our parts will so happen to be from western countries, but in the event that we do so happen to find a singular part that is superior from a different country, then we’ll choose the manufacturer who so happens to be in that country.
Though, understand how this is not at all the same as simply having everything made in China, or India, or Pakistan.